Fingerprint Record Checks are needed for anyone obtaining a Police Clearance Certificate from Dubai
What must the applicant supply?
Applicants outside Dubai must supply:
We will take your prints efficiently, more conveniently and quicker than traditional routes
As many copies as are needed are included for one fee, and we carry relevant cards as stock
If you wish, we will come to you, convenient and saving you time and money. we have two office sites and are used to travel, wherever you are located, or in London, in Europe or elsewhere in the UK
To make an appointment please call us:
London: 020 7158 0332
Surrey: 01483 200999
Hants: 02380 308274
or email
UK Fingerprint is a trading style of Detective Ltd Reg in England as company number 2807314
In business for 25 years, we are the holders of many recognised business awards
Contact us to learn more