Online overseas applicants to the Royal Bahamian Police Force in addition to the information submitted, must forward a set of fingerprints and copies of the first four pages of a valid passport with a fee of $3.00 US/Bahamian currency for Bahamians and $5.00 US/Bahamian currency for foreign applicants plus mailing cost before the certificate can be issued. Cheques and international money orders must be made payable to the Bahamas Public TreasuryFingerprint Checks
What must the applicant supply?
Overseas applicants can apply online. Additionally online overseas applicants
must provide a set of fingerprints and copies of the first four pages of a valid
passport. Representatives collecting Character Certificates on behalf of an
applicant must present a valid identification (passport, drivers licence, voters
cards) for that person and their own valid identification before the Certificate
can be issued